Where Does It Come From, And What Is Its Function?

The heart is protected by a double-layered membrane called pericardium as a biomaterial with several therapeutic uses; Bovine Pericardial Tissue Patch Reconstruction is extracted, cleaned, and processed. Pericardium, which is mostly collagen, is a solid and elastic tissue. The bovine pericardium uses bio-prosthetic heart valves, dural closure, bone and dental membranes, surgical buttresses, and other applications. Depending on the producer's needs, Collagen Solutions may perform different types of tissue harvesting and selection. Hypothesis When utilized as patch material for angioplasty after carotid endarterectomy, bovine pericardium (BP) proves superior to Dacron in intraoperative hemostasis while causing no more perioperative morbidity. Objective Prospectively and systematically compare BP angioplasty with Dacron patch angioplasty after carotid endarterectomy. Methods A prospective randomized study was conducted with 95 consecutive primary ca...